Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Victorian election result and Jack my dog

Well there you are I managed to upload a photo, here is oneof the loves of my life, the lovely Jack... A constant source of amusement and comfort. Her sheer joy in the park when she finds a dog who will play with her is absoltely contagious and her constant cheerfulness and deisre to get close makes me feel incredibly good. I know I know, she is only a dog, get over it, but there is something so lovely and unconditional about a dogs love that is like no other.

And it's just as well I have her otherwise finding a number of things to be happy about would be hard this morning otherwise I would be desolate at the possibility of the coalition claiming government in Victoria, policies about women's rights are non existent, their response to child protection is blaming and unhelpful and their applling law and order policy would have the numbers in prison increasing.

So feeling somewhat dejected I have still worked on noticing things that give me joy. The first was we shared the election night with a number of our friends who are very like minded so we were able to share our disappointment, and several reds and lots of great food contributed by everybody. The second is my grandsons stayed overnight so I woke up to their laughter and enjoyment of life and went for a walk in the park with drizzle and had a great time. The bike path was flooded and looked quite beautiful and we had the joy of watching a cyclist pedalling his bike through the flood with water going just about to his knees, but he was not deterred! And then of course there was Jack. So, life can still be good, something which we might need to keep reminding ourselves of over the next few years.

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